Friday, January 9, 2015

Shaving Cream Snow Creatures

This puffy paint is made from one part shaving cream to one part glue.  The children were encouraged to make any kind of creature that they wanted, but this year they all did snowmen or snow women.  We had a Harry, a Tom, a Darrel and many a Snow Elsa, Olaf or Anna.
We laid out a variety if materials, but also encouraged them to pick anything else they wanted from the collage table.
This is what was created:

The Snow Anna on the left is sitting at a chair with a table eating food, which I thought was very cleaver. 

As I sat with the small group I dictated every child's snow creatures name and what their snow creature was doing.  Then, I put them up on an online art gallery we use.
It takes several days for these to dry!  The first year we did this we hung them up the next day and then discovered that the snow creatures leaked all over the floor.  They also were skinnier after that!

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