1) Grab some felt in colors that you like. Use the firmer felt for the backing and softer felt for the front. You can find it at any craft store, I bought mine at Michael's.
2) Create a template that you like or if your super talented draw one free hand. This one I found using google image search. (Hint: I am not super talented.)
3) Cut off the handle of the template so that you have two separate parts. This just makes it easier to cut the inside handle piece. Cut out felt using templates. Leave a little extra felt lengthwise on the handles to glue on.
4) Cut beige color for inside of cup and two tags. Use soft felt for these. I also embroidered "tea" or a leaf on one side of the tags.
5) Glue handle and oval to tea cup with fabric glue.
6) Thread the tea tag to the cup, leaving enough string so the tag can hang out of book. I sewed my embroidery thread from back of cup to front and made a knot to look like tea tag was coming out of tea cup. I also have my thread going between both tea tag and then sewed them together at the bottom. Lastly, I glued the two parts of the tea tag together.
7) Voila!
I just noticed that at some point I forgot to sew the the string coming out of the tea cup. Haha, way to follow my own tutorial!
Sweet and easy.