Our Raccoon Class:
Plate of Hands
It was a miracle this plate came out of the kiln with all of its digits! We actually did not put this plate in the auction, but decided to give it as an end of year gift to our director.
Collection of Hearts.
We were missing one child's heart, so we left an empty space in the bottom corner, and when it was fired we gave the heart along with some glue to the winning families.
We used leaves and stamps to make the imprints on the hearts and cut them out with different sized cookie cutters.
We glazed them in several different shades of red.
Hearts of butterflies
The Hiboux Class:
Two framed owls. One made from a collage of painted paper, one from finger prints.
A beautiful bird mobile made from the teacher's drawings.
Dot paintings.
Elephant Class
My mosaic hopscotch.
Elephant basket.
Wild Thing Class
Giraffe Class
Giraffe related basket, that well ...oops, I forgot to get a picture of. And I thought I was doing so well?!
The Dot book and canvas painting.
Monkey Class
Tiles with sharpie and watercolors.
Afternoon Class
Potted garden.
I think the afternoon class also has a basket, that yep, I forgot to photograph.
In my defense, it was quite a hectic day!